l 国际传播:叙事网络、舆论场建模、政治精准投放。
l 信息隐私:群体隐私、语境坍塌。
l 杨帆 & 牛耀红. (2022). 美国twitter用户涉华态度及认知——基于政治光谱视角. 国际新闻界, 44(06), 50–70.
l 杨帆. (2022-02-17). 如何管控计算新闻中的“把关人”? 中国社会科学报, 003, 新闻与传播学.
l yang, f., li, s., yang, z., qian, c. & gu, t. (2019). spatial multiplexing for non-line-of-sight light-to-camera communications. ieee transactions on mobile computing, 18(11), 2660–2671.
l yang, f., li, s., zhang, h., niu, y., qian, c., & yang, z. (2019). lipo: indoor position and orientation estimation via superposed reflected light. personal and ubiquitous computing, 1–16.
l yang, f., li, s., zhang, h., niu, y., qian, c., & yang, z. (2019). visible light positioning via floor reflections. ieee access, 7, 97390–97400.
l 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“复杂网络视角下的中国对外传播路径优化”(2022)。
l 中国博士后科学基金项目“基于可见光通信的视觉隐私保护研究”(2020)。
l 中国科协高端科技创新智库青年项目“中国文化全球传播中的数字技术应用”(2020)。
l python编程语言(大二小学期)
l 网页设计与制作(大三春)
l python语言与数据科学(研一秋)
yang fan is currently an assistant professor and a master's supervisor with the school of journalism and new media, xi’an jiaotong university. he received a ph.d. degree in computer science from northwestern polytechnical university.
research interest:
l international communication: narrative network, modeling the forming of public opinion, political microtargeting.
l information privacy: collective privacy, context collapse.
l yang, f. & niu, y. (2022). us attitudes and cognitions regarding china on twitter: from the perspective of political spectrum. chinese journal of journalism & communication, 44(06), 50–70.
l yang, f. (17 february 2022). how to manage gatekeepers in computing journalism? social sciences in china. p.003.
l yang, f., li, s., yang, z., qian, c. & gu, t. (2019). spatial multiplexing for non-line-of-sight light-to-camera communications. ieee transactions on mobile computing, 18(11), 2660–2671.
l yang, f., li, s., zhang, h., niu, y., qian, c., & yang, z. (2019). lipo: indoor position and orientation estimation via superposed reflected light. personal and ubiquitous computing, 1–16.
l yang, f., li, s., zhang, h., niu, y., qian, c., & yang, z. (2019). visible light positioning via floor reflections. ieee access, 7, 97390–97400.
l python programming language
l webpage design and development
l python data science
email: craftsman@xjtu.edu.cn